Katlyn Cruising Cookies

Hi Burgi, this is for you, and anyone else who would like to try out the recipe for the oatmeal biscuits from Katlyn!

DSC01003Melt together:
170g butter
25ml of honey or syrup
DSC01002Mix together :
500ml oats
250ml flour
250ml sugar
250ml dessicated coconut (dried shavings).
5ml baking soda (bicarb)
DSC01004Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the melted butter/syrup
DSC01005Mix to coat evenly

???????????????????????????????Tip mixture into baking tray.

???????????????????????????????Press into the baking tray, about a 9 by 12 inch.

???????????????????????????????Press down well. I use a aerosol can to do this.

DSC01012Bake at about 160 Degrees Celsius until light golden brown. It will still be soft when you remove from the oven, but will harden as it cools.

DSC01014Cut into squares when slightly cooled.



1 thought on “Katlyn Cruising Cookies

  1. I can’t remember, that we ate this on our wonderful trip with doug an val. But there where a lot of other really good things, we had on katlyn. Greetings from cold Austria, Frank and Reni

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